Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
NWPP took its first steps implementing its Western Resource Adequacy Program, allowing participants to submit resource data for a “nonbinding” phase.
A speaker at NERC's Monitoring and Situational Awareness technical conference on Thursday focused on the challenges of building an engineering talent pool.
Increased discussion of a Western RTO is being driven by clean-energy mandates and state laws requiring transmission owners to join an organized market.
An Oregon committee discussed how a Western RTO would likely take shape for reasons much different from those that motivated the other organized markets.
The Western Energy Imbalance Market is poised to make its largest expansion ever next spring with the inclusion of the Bonneville Power Administration.
A meeting to hash out an upcoming Oregon study on RTO membership turned to how the state’s participation might fit into other developments in the West.
NERC's Reliability and Security Technical Committee discussed several items at its meeting, including a potential return to in-person gatherings.
The Northwest Power Pool will have to restructure its governance to obtain FERC approval for its proposed resource adequacy program, representatives said.
The near shutdown of the California-Oregon Intertie by a wildfire renewed concerns about the vulnerability of major transmission pathways.
CAISO issued a grid warning as a wildfire in Oregon threatened one of the major transmission pathways between California and the Pacific Northwest.
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