CAISO Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM)

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Idaho PUC Declines to Join Western RTO Governance Effort

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission last week said it will not join with other state regulators in an initiative to lay the groundwork for an independent RTO designed to serve the entire Western Interconnection.

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NW Stakeholders Divided on BPA Timeline for Day-ahead Decision
Electricity sector stakeholders expressed divisions over BPA's plan to pursue an aggressive timeline for deciding whether to join CAISO’s EDAM or SPP’s Markets+.
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Forum Turnout, Tone Could Signal Growing Support for EDAM
The stars may not yet have aligned for CAISO in the contest to bring an organized electricity market to the West, but key industry players appeared to be doing just that at an ISO event to celebrate the progress of its Extended Day-Ahead Market.
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Backers of Independent Western RTO Seek to Move Quickly
The coalition of utility commissioners that proposed the creation of an independent Western RTO is wasting no time getting the project up and running.
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BANC Moving to Join CAISO’s EDAM
CAISO scored a potentially important victory when the Balancing Authority of Northern California said it will pursue membership in the ISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market — and not SPP’s Markets+.
CAISO Files EDAM Proposal with FERC
CAISO asked FERC to approve the rules for its EDAM and revisions to its existing day-ahead market, intended to more accurately forecast load.
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
NM Commission to Set Standards for RTO, Day-ahead Participation
State regulators have launched a process to develop “guiding principles” regarding participation in a regional day-ahead market or RTO.
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In Contest for the West, Markets+ Gathers Momentum — and Skeptics
While some stakeholders are ‘charmed’ by SPP’s market initiative effort, others urge need for deeper tie to CAISO.
WEIM Tops $4B in Benefits Months After Hitting $3B
The Western Energy Imbalance Market topped $4 billion in cumulative benefits in the second quarter of 2023, just six months after it topped the $3 billion mark.
Proposed New Western RTO Discussed at CREPC
Utility regulators from Oregon and California discussed their proposal for a new independent RTO covering the entire West for the first time publicly.

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