CAISO Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM)

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CAISO Updates EDAM Straw Proposal
CAISO's revised plan for a WEIM extended day-ahead market makes changes to transmission requirements and penalties for failing resource sufficiency evaluations.
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CAISO Tackles EDAM Design in Stakeholder Meeting
A two-day CAISO stakeholder meeting on the proposed day-ahead extension of the Western EIM focused on resource sufficiency and transmission.
Bonneville Power Administration
BPA Customers Support Effort to Weigh CAISO, SPP Market Options
SPP’s plan to develop a market to compete with CAISO's Western EIM got a boost from utilities and energy customers in the Pacific Northwest.
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CREPC-WIRAB Weighs Western Transmission, Markets
The CREPC-WIRAB spring meeting focused on regional markets and transmission planning in the West, including FERC's recent transmission planning NOPR.
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CAISO Issues EDAM Straw Proposal for the West
CAISO issued a straw proposal for its extended day-ahead offering in the Western Energy Imbalance Market, a renewed effort at greater Western regionalization.
Western Utilities to Support SPP Market Development
A group of Western utilities plans to help SPP develop its Markets+ program in the West and to examine the benefits of joining it or CAISO's day-ahead market.
Western EIM Tops $2B in Benefits
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market surpassed $2 billion in total member benefits only 20 months after hitting the $1 billion mark in 2020.
Changing Grid, State Policies Favor Western RTO
CAISO, SPP and the Western Power Pool are all maneuvering to organize the Western electricity sector, and conditions finally seem ripe for change.
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CAISO Extends Wheel-through Rules
CAISO's Board of Governors extended controversial wheel-through restrictions for two more years as the ISO works on a long-term fix to transmission constraints.
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CAISO Working Groups Start EDAM Design
Three stakeholder working groups charged with designing key elements of CAISO’s proposed extended day-ahead market for the Western EIM began meeting this week.

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