CAISO Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM)

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CAISO Takes on Transmission, EDAM in 2022
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
CAISO Reconvenes EDAM Stakeholder Meetings
CAISO restarted the stakeholder process to expand its Western Energy Imbalance Market from a real-time to a day-ahead interstate market after a 14-month break.
Utah Office of Energy Development and S&P Global Market Intelligence
FERC Commissioners Opine on Western RTO
FERC commissioners told an audience of Western stakeholders and regulators that they back the formation of a Western RTO; California can't go it alone.
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Talk of Western RTO Intensifies
Increased discussion of a Western RTO is being driven by clean-energy mandates and state laws requiring transmission owners to join an organized market.
CAISO Promotes EDAM Effort in Forum
CAISO paused its WEIM EDAM effort last year but renewed it Wednesday amid a growing push for greater Western regionalization and market coordination.
CAISO to Focus on Resource Adequacy in 2021
CAISO’s top priority in 2021 will be making sure there is enough generating capacity for summer after last year’s shortfalls.
Solid Support for EIM Joint Authority Plan
EIM stakeholders broadly support a proposal that would expand the Governing Body’s approval authority and grant it a “more collaborative” relationship with CAISO’s board.
Heat Waves, Blackouts Slow Western EIM Expansion
Heat waves and capacity shortfalls have slowed an effort by the Western EIM to expand from a real-time interstate trading forum to a day-ahead market.
EDAM Design Could Undermine Tx Rights, Critics Say
The proposed expansion of CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market to a day-ahead market won’t be as voluntary as advertised, some stakeholders are arguing.
CAISO Proposal Sets Course for EIM Day-ahead
CAISO issued a proposal outlining the leading edge of its plan to bring day-ahead trading to the Western Energy Imbalance Market.

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