California duck curve

Powelson: States Pushing RTOs’ Backs to the Wall
Some states are creating energy policies without enough regard for grid reliability, possibly forcing FERC to intervene, Commissioner Robert Powelson said.
© RTO Insider
CAISO Expands Attendee Roster for Stakeholder Symposium
CAISO expanded the scope of its annual Stakeholder Symposium by inviting representatives of California's oil and agriculture industries.
New CAISO Rules Spell Increased DER Role
The CAISO Board of Governors approved a set of market rules designed to aid the integration of distributed energy resources and energy storage.
Spring Oversupply Lifts CAISO Curtailments
CAISO is curtailing an increasing volume of renewable generation this spring as the ISO sees its “duck curve” already dipping to levels forecast in 2021.
© Cassondra Wilson, SAS Institute Inc.
Overheard at RTO Insider/SAS ISO Summit
Dozens of RTO and ISO officials journeyed to SAS’ snow-free campus in NC last week for the ISO Summit and discussions on data and technology challenges.
High Hydro, Increased Solar Point to Spring Curtailments for CAISO
CAISO may curtail a massive amount of renewable energy this spring when increased solar output is expected to coincide with increased hydropower.
Report: Calif. ‘Duck Curve’ Growing Faster than Expected
A new research report indicates that "The duck curve is driven by utility-scale solar in California, not distributed resources."

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