California Energy Commission (CEC)

Better DER Approach Needed, Calif. Agencies Told
The growth of distributed energy resources and energy storage in CAISO will require new approaches and better coordination between system operators.
California to Reconsider Retail Choice
California officials are reconsidering retail choice, two decades after a deregulation drive that faltered in the Western Energy Crisis of 2000/01.
Price Tag on Tx Needed to Meet California 50% RPS: $5B?
Meeting the California RPS goal of 50% target could require more than $5 billion in transmission upgrades, according to a state report.
More Work Needed on Western RTO Proposal, Stakeholders Say
More changes are needed to the CAISO proposed rules for a Western RTO to win approval from the states in which PacifiCorp operates, stakeholders say.
Interior Dept. Approves First Phase of California Desert Renewable Plan
The U.S. Interior Department approved the first phase of the California Desert Renewable Plan, a master plan for developing renewable energy on 10.8 million acres of California desert.
Governance Plan Critics Urge Slowdown of Western RTO Development
Critics say CAISO is moving too quickly in its effort to get a plan for a Western RTO to California lawmakers before legislative session's end.
CAISO Regulation Costs Quadruple as Prices, Procurement Jump
Regulation costs in CAISO have quadrupled since the ISO increased requirements to help balance variable output from renewable resources in February.

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