capacity accreditation
Many stakeholders are uneasy with MISO's plan for a seasonal capacity accreditation based on a generating unit’s past performance during tight conditions.
Stakeholders outlined their complaints with ISO-NE's proposed MOPR elimination and its compliance with Order 2222 at an in-person NEPOOL meeting.
MISO gave stakeholders more time to adapt to four seasonal capacity auctions and capacity accreditation determined by a unit's performance in tight conditions.
MISO this week said it’ll give stakeholders more time — but not much — to get comfortable with four seasonal capacity auctions.
Stakeholders unhappy with MISO's proposal to create seasonal capacity auctions and resource accreditation can vote for a yearlong delay on the plan.
Crispins C. Crispian, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
NEPOOL stakeholders and ISO-NE continue to work on eliminating the MOPR from the capacity market, discussing multiple proposals on transitional mechanisms.
MISO is confirming final details of its bid for seasonal capacity auctions & availability-based accreditation while some stakeholders continue to criticize it.
Stakeholders want more time to hammer out the details of MISO's four-season capacity auction and seasonal reliability targets.
MISO's proposed seasonal accreditation for capacity resources remains a point of contention among the RTO, its Market Monitor and the stakeholder community.
MISO is seeking a near-term pathway for hybrid resources in its markets while it works on a permanent participation model for storage-renewable combinations.
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