capacity auction
Load-serving entities that decide against participating in MISO’s capacity auction must secure anywhere from 1.5% to 4.2% beyond their reserve margin requirements in the 2025/26 planning year.
Nearly a decade on, the saga over Dynegy’s manipulation of MISO’s capacity market continues, with FERC denying the company’s asks for procedural changes that might have softened repercussions in the case.
PJM capacity prices increased nearly tenfold in the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction as a trifecta of load growth, generation deactivations and changes to risk modeling shrank reserve margins.
MISO said it will likely split load-modifying resource participation into two options in an effort to line up their true contributions with accreditation.
Ameren executives have reassured shareholders that Missouri’s capacity shortfall beginning this summer is no cause for panic.
MISO juggled several projects over 2023 designed to fend off imminent reliability problems and will keep up the multitasking in 2024.
FERC wants more description behind MISO’s plan to adopt sloped demand curves for its capacity auctions before it decides the matter.
State regulators of MISO South are withholding support for MISO’s plan to implement a sloped demand curve in its capacity auctions based on a proposed option for states to shield themselves from the effects.
A comfortable result for MISO's 2023/24 auction does not guarantee sufficient capacity during the coming summer, executives said.
MISO said that a sloped demand curve applied to its recent seasonal auction would have boosted summer clearing prices as much as sixfold.
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