capacity auction

FERC Wants More Detail on MISO Sloped Demand Curve Plan
FERC wants more description behind MISO’s plan to adopt sloped demand curves for its capacity auctions before it decides the matter.
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MISO South Support for Sloped Demand Curve Wanes on Opt-out Provision
State regulators of MISO South are withholding support for MISO’s plan to implement a sloped demand curve in its capacity auctions based on a proposed option for states to shield themselves from the effects.
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MISO: Sufficient 2023/24 Auction No Cause for Comfort
A comfortable result for MISO's 2023/24 auction does not guarantee sufficient capacity during the coming summer, executives said.
MISO: Sloped Demand Curve Would Have Raised 2023/24 Capacity Prices
MISO said that a sloped demand curve applied to its recent seasonal auction would have boosted summer clearing prices as much as sixfold.
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OMS RA Summit: Accreditation, Demand Curves, Retirements
MISO players weighed the RTO’s recent moves to fortify resource adequacy, including seasonal capacity, accreditation approaches a downward-sloping demand curve.
MISO Issued Show-cause on Seasonal Capacity Auction Values
FERC issued MISO a show-cause order saying it appeared to violate its tariff by failing to publish a system-wide unforced capacity ratio ahead of its auction.
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GCPA Speakers Embrace MISO Sloped Demand Curve
The likelihood of a sloped demand curve in MISO’s capacity market earned seals of approval from panelists at GCPA’s 9th Annual MISO/SPP Regional Conference.
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Capacity Auction ‘Mismatch’ Roils PJM Stakeholders
PJM said it will ask FERC to modify the rules of its 2024/25 capacity auction to avoid artificially high prices in one region of the RTO.
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IMM: Faulty Assumption in MISO’s Seasonal Auction Design
Months before MISO debuts a seasonal capacity auction, its IMM said he has uncovered a faulty assumption behind the seasonal capacity requirements.
State Regulators Endorse New Demand Curve in MISO Capacity Auction
The Organization of MISO States has publicly announced that using a downward-sloping demand curve in MISO’s capacity auction could be a good idea.

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