capacity interconnection rights (CIRs)

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PJM Stakeholders Review Proposals on CIRs for ELCC Resources
The PJM Planning Committee reviewed a slate of proposals to address capacity interconnection rights for effective load-carrying capability resources.
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PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Nov. 1, 2022
The PJM Planning Committee continued fine-tuning the five remaining packages for assigning capacity interconnection rights to ELCC resources.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Oct. 4, 2022
The PJM Planning Committee voted by acclamation to endorse the results of the 2022 Reserve Requirement Study.
PJM Planning Committee Briefs: Aug. 9, 2022
Stakeholders urged PJM to delay action on generation deliverability testing until rules on capacity interconnection rights for ELCC resources are complete.
PJM Planning Committee Briefs: July 12, 2022
A debate over PJM's proposed load model, and discussions of generator deliverability testing and FERC NOPRs highlighted the Planning Committee meeting.
PJM Responds to Market Monitor Recommendations
PJM responded to its Market Monitor’s latest recommendations, noting that many of the issues are in the scope of current stakeholder discussions.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Feb. 8, 2022
PJM will present stakeholders with study results that seek to explain potential upgrade requirements stemming from the RTO’s generator deliverability proposal.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: April 6, 2021
PJM delayed a vote on a proposal for changes to the pro forma interconnection construction service agreement.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Feb. 9, 2021
Stakeholders endorsed PJM’s proposals for mitigating and avoiding designating projects as critical infrastructure under NERC reliability standards.
PJM Sets BRA for May 2021
PJM will hold the 2022/23 Base Residual Auction in May after being delayed since 2019 over FERC’s expansion of the minimum offer price rule.

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