October 5, 2024

Capacity Performance (CP)

Monitor Defends Offer Cap Complaint
The Independent Market Monitor fired back at PJM’s request that FERC dismiss its complaint about the RTO’s default market seller offer cap.
Load Interests Endorse PJM-IMM Must-offer Proposal
The MRC approved a proposal to strip capacity interconnection rights from generators that do not meet Capacity Performance requirements.
PJM: Dismiss Monitor’s Offer Cap Complaint
PJM wants FERC to toss out the Independent Market Monitor’s complaint about its default market seller offer cap.
Monitor Says PJM’s Capacity Market not Competitive
Unsound rules for calculating default market seller offer caps and other persistent structural flaws made PJM’s capacity market uncompetitive in 2018, the RTO’s Monitor said.
PJM MIC Briefs: March 6, 2019
The PJM Market Implementation Committee heard a first read on a proposed change to the calculations for financial transmission rights forfeitures.
Showdown Set on PJM Must-offer Exceptions
The PJM MIC set up a showdown over whether the RTO can force capacity resources into energy-only status for failing to meet requirements.
PJM MIC to Vote on Alternative Must-offer Exception Rules
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee, which approved changes to its must-offer exception rules in November, will consider 2 alternative proposals March 6.
Monitor Asks FERC to Cut PJM Capacity Offer Cap
PJM’s Independent Market Monitor asked FERC to order changes to the RTO’s Capacity Performance assumptions, saying the current rules allow sellers to exercise market power.
PJM DR Subcommittee to Review Capacity Test Requirements
PJM would be tasked with updating the testing rules for rarely dispatched DR resources under a problem statement and issue charge presented to members.
Munis Wary of PJM Rules on Non-Retail BTM Generation
A PJM proposal to revise rules on non-retail behind-the-meter generation was met with suspicion from municipal utilities and cooperatives.

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