October 1, 2024

climate change

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Overheard at EBA’s Mid-Year Energy Forum
The Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum featured debates over FERC Order 1000, state-federal jurisdiction, rate structures and PURPA.
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Climate Change Top of Mind at Vermont Conference
Climate change mingled with politics at the Renewable Energy Vermont Conference and Expo, where state regulators and officials expressed frustration.
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Methane Tax Suggested to Reduce Emissions
Methane emissions might be reduced by making them part of the carbon markets, panelists said at a forum hosted by The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy.
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CAISO Symposium Looks to Grid’s Future
The 1,000 or so attendees at CAISO’s Stakeholder Symposium got a glimpse of what the future could hold during the event’s 10th anniversary.
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Clean Tech Presses on Following Dire Climate Report
The IPCC climate change report had a sobering effect on the Horizon 18 conference, where New England clean tech companies met with other stakeholders.
IPCC: Urgent Action Needed to Avoid Climate Trigger
Climate change could have catastrophic effects sooner than previously thought, according to a new report by the U.N.’s IPCC.
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Overheard at 2018 NEEP Summit
The increasing interplay between energy efficiency and electrification was a hot topic at the 2018 Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships summit.
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Overheard at NECA 2018 Fuels Conference
Fuel security and the role of traditional and non-traditional fuels in New England highlighted discussions at the 2018 NECA Fuels Conference.
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Overheard at ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group Meeting
Climate change and the role of heating and cooling improvements for energy efficiency were the hot topics at a meeting of the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group.
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Overheard at IPPNY 2018 Fall Conference
The evolving challenges of grid resilience and the past and future of New York’s REV took center stage at the 33rd Annual IPPNY Fall Conference.

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