coal plant retirements
Andy Ott, PJM’s executive vice president of markets, will replace Terry Boston as president and CEO later this year, PJM announced Wednesday.
MISO launched the first in a series of stakeholder workshops dedicated to improving resource adequacy as the RTO deals with the retirement of coal-fired generation and the growth of natural gas and renewables.
FERC last week approved a MISO proposal to exempt some owners of retiring coal plants from capacity deficiency penalties.
AEP and FirstEnergy's plans to shut down coal-fired generation under the EPA’s MATS won't change even if the Supreme Court throws out the standards.
Natural gas demand and production both set records in 2014, while gas trading declined for the fourth straight year, FERC reported last week.
PJM’s 2014 RTEP report, released last week, provides details of the $1.7 billion in transmission projects approved by PJM’s Board of Managers.
FERC approved PJM’s request to retain 2,000 MW of capacity in yesterday’s third Incremental Auction for 2015/16 but rejected its request to purchase capacity outside of the RPM.
A summary of measures and issues discussed by the MISO Planning Advisory Committee on Jan. 28, 2015.
A pair of requests PJM submitted to FERC to safeguard capacity for the 2015/16 delivery year drew a number of protests last week.
Some coal-fired power plants at risk of retirement under the EPA’s carbon emission rule could survive thanks to renewable energy, according to a PJM study.
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