coal plant retirements

Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Report Shows Nevada Lagging 2030 GHG Target
A Nevada report projects that the state’s GHG emissions in 2030 will be 24% less than in 2005 — far short of the 45% reduction that the state has set as a goal.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Jan. 13, 2022
PJM updated stakeholders at the OC meeting regarding ongoing discussions with the Illinois EPA over the impacts of the state’s sweeping energy legislation.
TVA Comes Under Congressional Spotlight
The House Committee on Energy and Commerce is questioning the Tennessee Valley Authority over its rates and clean energy goals.
McCarthy Construction
Hearing May Settle Ameren, DOJ Clash over Coal Plant
A federal judge has scheduled a hearing next month to settle a dispute between Ameren and the DOJ over the closure of a St. Louis-area coal plant.
Lion Electric
Decarbonizing Midwest Economies? It Depends on the State
Illinois is decarbonizing its electric generation, and Minnesota is focusing on EVs and transit emissions, but Ohio is keeping a coal plant subsidy.
New England Power Generators Association
IPPs See Danger in Swift Move from Gas and Coal
Independent power producers warned that policymakers are risking reliability by attempting to transition too quickly from gas and coal to renewables.
Duke Energy
Duke Touts Clean Energy Progress, Strong Earnings in Q3
North Carolina law has upped the ante on utility carbon emissions reductions — requiring a 70% cut by 2030.
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OMS Registers its Concern over Supply Insecurity
The Organization of MISO States emphasized the footprint’s deteriorating resource adequacy during its annual meeting.
Pine Gate Renewables
NC Compromise Energy Bill Passes Senate, Heads Back to House
A bill in the North Carolina legislature would authorize the Utilities Commission to “take all reasonable steps” to achieve a 70% reduction in carbon.
NLC India
CGEP Talks Repurposing Infrastructure for Low-carbon Energy
A Center on Global Energy Policy webinar focused on the need to repurpose trillions in energy infrastructure to carry or accommodate low-carbon energy.

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