cold weather alert
The Operating Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 13: Emergency Operations to add protocols for PJM and transmission owners to monitor and coordinate necessary actions when wildfires may disrupt infrastructure.
PJM said the grid maintained reliability through nearly a week of harsh winter conditions during the winter storm that blanketed much of the nation in mid-January.
ReliabilityFirst staff urged utilities to take advantage of the regional entity's voluntary winter preparedness consultations.
NERC's Board of Trustees on Thursday approved the organization’s first-ever Level 3 alert at its quarterly meeting.
PJM's Operating Committee heard proposals on improving the dispatch of renewables, changes to max emergency status and a new cold weather advisory.
ERCOT has raised its alert level as extreme cold weather moves into Texas, saying it is taking action ahead of increased demand to ensure grid reliability.
NERC issued a Level 2 alert calling on registered entities to report their readiness for severe cold after multiple winter crises in recent years.
Extreme winter weather has placed much of the country’s heartland in a deep freeze and has MISO, SPP and ERCOT scrambling to meet anticipated record demand.
ERCOT staff warned that forward energy markets indicate high prices this summer, which could lead to unexpected increases in credit obligations.
ERCOT market participants grilled staff over the grid operator’s requests duriing an early March cold-weather event that did not require emergency actions.
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