February 22, 2025

Commonwealth Wind

BOEM Approves Avangrid’s New England Wind OSW Project
BOEM has issued its final Record of Decision ROD approving Avangrid Renewables’ New England Wind project, marking a major milestone for the proposed offshore wind project.
New England States’ OSW Procurement Receives 5,454 MW in Bids
The coordinated offshore wind procurements of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island received a total of 5,454 MW in bids from four developers, falling short of the 6,000-MW solicitation cap.
BOEM Issues Environmental Study of Park City, Commonwealth Plans
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has completed the environmental impact assessment of the proposed Park City and Commonwealth offshore wind proposals.
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Long-term Optimism Meets Short-term Concern at Offshore WINDPOWER 2023
The American Clean Power Association’s Offshore WINDPOWER conference discussed uncertainty and the need for federal support amidst supply chain snarls and high interest rates.
Commonwealth Wind PPA Cancellations OK’d
The Massachusetts DPU has approved cancellation of Commonwealth Wind's PPAs and approved terms of the state's fourth wind power solicitation.
Avangrid, Utilities Reach Deal to Cancel Commonwealth Wind PPAs
Avangrid and three utilities reached $48 million deal to end the PPAs for the Commonwealth Wind project.
SouthCoast Wind
Developer Seeks to Terminate SouthCoast Wind PPAs
SouthCoast Wind Energy has asked to end offshore wind power purchase agreements with Massachusetts electric distribution companies, citing rising costs.
Avangrid Pushes Forward on NECEC, Offshore Wind, PNM Merger
Avangrid announced Wednesday that its net income increased 16% in 2022 over 2021 but projected flat financials in 2023.
Financial Concerns Continue for Major Northeast OSW Projects
Two major offshore wind power developers are warning again of economic problems with projects off the New York and New England coasts.
Mass. DPU Orders Commonwealth Wind Project to Continue
Massachusetts regulators denied Avangrid’s request to back out of PPAs for the 1,200-MW Commonwealth Wind project it committed to build off the state’s coast.

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