cost allocation
The NEPOOL Reliability and Transmission Committees jointly met to discuss a multitude of governing document changes and transmission upgrades.
MISO will still pursue major aspects of a transmission proposal that FERC rejected, but is debating keeping its proposed local economic project type.
FERC rejected MISO’s cost allocation proposal for market efficiency projects, saying it was at odds with the principle of cost causation.
FERC rejected a set of rehearing requests contesting the cost allocations for several cross-seams projects between PJM and MISO.
Eversource Energy is opposing ISO-NE's plan to allow generators to recover costs of NERC critical infrastructure protection requirements through transmission rates.
SPP’s Holistic Integrated Tariff Team shared with stakeholders a draft report of high-level recommendations addressing the footprint’s many challenges.
MISO and its stakeholders are considering how to more accurately measure the potential benefits of proposed transmission projects.
PJM’s stability deviation method best suits cost allocation for Artificial Island, FERC said, denying rehearing requests favoring the status quo.
MISO and a majority of its transmission owners filed a new cost allocation plan with FERC that would change the way the RTO allocates costs for market efficiency projects.
An SPP group has been unable to reach a consensus on possible revisions to cost-allocation rules for wind-rich areas and may table their year-long review.
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