cost of new entry (CONE)
NYISO said a 2012 FERC order was unclear with respect to the comparison made between the default offer floor and unit net CONE in determining the floor.
FERC dismissed a challenge to the pricing rule for new generation in ISO-NE, which Exelon and Calpine had wanted tossed in advance of this week’s FCA.
Some coal-fired power plants at risk of retirement under the EPA’s carbon emission rule could survive thanks to renewable energy, according to a PJM study.
PJM’s Board of Managers will file its Capacity Performance proposal this week with FERC to increase the reliability expectations of capacity resources with a “no excuses” policy.
PJM members deadlocked last week on changes to capacity market parameters with none of five proposals winning a supermajority.
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 08/21/14. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
PJM capacity prices would increase sharply but reliability would not be threatened if a recent federal court ruling eliminated demand response from wholesale markets, the Market Monitor said.
PJM proposed changing the demand curve to be used in the 2015 Base Residual Auction, while recommending the RTO continue using a combustion turbine as the model for determining the Cost of New Entry (CONE).
PJM and the IMM have reached agreement on a way to reduce the number of Frequently Mitigated Units eligible for “adders” but their proposal faces heavy opposition from generation owners.
PJM officials told members last week they want to accelerate the schedule of the quadrennial review of the Cost of New Entry (CONE) by two months.
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