cost of new entry (CONE)
The NEPOOL MC discussed changes to the frequency of FCM parameter recalculations, the continuous storage facility model and cybersecurity reporting.
MISO officials answered questions about the capacity shortfalls and expensive prices in the 2022/23 auction while stakeholders asked for more supply data.
MISO’s 2022/23 capacity auction saw all its Midwest zones clearing at the nearly $240/MW-day cost of new entry, signaling a need for additional generation.
FERC ordered PJM to remove the 10% cost adder for the reference resource used to establish the VRR curve in the RTO’s capacity market.
PJM's upcoming 2023/24 BRA is set to be delayed again after FERC partially reversed its 2020 decision on the RTO’s energy price formation revisions.
Many stakeholders are uneasy with MISO's plan for a seasonal capacity accreditation based on a generating unit’s past performance during tight conditions.
FERC denied a rehearing request by EPSA and NEPGA related to the recalculated values used in ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Market.
ISO-NE proposed an installed capacity requirement of 32,568 MW for FCA 16, a 1,585-MW decrease from FCA 15, at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee meeting.
Capacity prices in most of PJM dropped by nearly two-thirds for 2022/23, with EMAAC and SWMAAC recording their lowest prices ever.
NYISO's BIC approved manual revisions to accommodate a change to the maximum clearing price calculation for ICAP demand curves.
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