FERC approved a new reliability standard aimed at improving the security of communications between control centers.
Panelists during the General Session at PJM’s Annual Meeting focused on the evolving security and climate risks the electric industry faces, as well as the potential for technology and a culture of creativity to provide new solutions.
PJM presented its 2024 summer study to the Operating Committee, saying preliminary figures show the region has adequate reserves to maintain reliability even as reserve margins tighten relative to recent years.
FERC proposed adopting the latest version of the North American Energy Standards Board's best practices.
Compliance auditors at the Texas Reliability Entity urged utilities to think of them not as antagonists looking to get them in trouble, but as allies in the mission of maintaining grid reliability.
NERC's proposed internal network security monitoring standard is on track for submission to FERC after an as yet unscheduled final ballot.
NERC is taking comments through April 17 on the latest revision to its proposed internal network security monitoring standard.
Most of the U.S.’ dams lack adequate cybersecurity protections, and FERC’s resources are too limited to develop them, senators heard in committee.
PJM plans to open a solicitation window for black start service after the June 2023 request-for-proposal window did not yield fuel-assured black start generation for some transmission zones.
NERC CEO Jim Robb and E-ISAC CEO Manny Cancel shared their views on the electric reliability landscape in a media call.
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