D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
It could be another month before stakeholders and the public in New England find out the results of ISO-NE’s capacity auction from last week.
Opponents of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn FERC's approval of the expanded bilateral market.
ISO-NE asked FERC to take expedited action on NTE Energy's request for rehearing of its order approving the termination of the Killingly plant's CSO.
Utilities cannot recover prior costs of complying with NERC's critical infrastructure protection standards in ISO-NE, the D.C. Circuit Court said.
The D.C. Circuit overruled FERC in cases brought by San Francisco against the commission and PG&E, which the city said refused to provide required service.
The D.C. Circuit said a PPA between Duke Energy and 32 municipal utility customers allows the munis to use storage to reduce their capacity charges.
DOE must provide better justification for its energy efficiency standards on commercial boilers, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
Reversing FERC, the D.C. Circuit ruled that developers of the abandoned PATH transmission line must refund $6 million spent to influence public officials.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals said FERC erred in basing its decision on CAISO capacity procurement payments on a prior ruling.
The Supreme Court agreed to consider challenges to EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.
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