data centers
Data centers’ voracious appetite for electricity could spike more than threefold over the next four years, rising from 4.4% of U.S. power demand in 2023 to as high as 12% in 2028, according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
The Virginia State Corporation Commission spent a full day looking at how growing demand from data centers is impacting the commonwealth's electric grid and rates.
To meet the power demand posed by data centers in the Northwest, stakeholders must collaborate to efficiently invest capital and explore controversial solutions like establishing a regional transmission organization in the West, panelists said in a webinar.
The electric power industry must step up to meet growing power demand and continue to build a system the country needs, said Javier Fernandez, CEO of the Omaha Public Power District. "This is one place where we cannot afford to fail. We cannot afford to delay infrastructure."
FERC received comments on its recent technical conference on co-located load in which parties offered suggestions for how the commission should move forward in dealing with the emerging issue.
"Deep, collaborative partnerships combined with creative problem-solving are the only way we can meet the explosion of AI growth, as well as society's accelerating electricity demand," said Sheldon Kimber, CEO of Intersect Power.
A report from the Virginia legislature released shows how quickly data centers are growing in the state and addresses how to meet that demand, with some suggestions for policymakers.
Clean energy organizations are prodding MISO to contemplate prospective load and generation simultaneously, with Clean Grid Alliance asking MISO to coordinate its annual transmission studies with its interconnection queue studies.
Clean industry executives and experts at DOE's Deploy 2024 conference were surprisingly optimistic about continuing market growth linked to the boom in energy demand from data centers, AI and electrification.
Utilities around the country expect peak demand to grow by 128 GW, or 15.8%, to 947 GW by 2029, according to the latest report from Grid Strategies.
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