September 29, 2024

David Patton

MISO and SPP Announce New Interregional Stakeholder Meetings
Amid two interregional study efforts and a pledge for better seams coordination, MISO and SPP are launching a new biannual stakeholder meeting.
Consumers Energy
MISO Officials Explain 2022/23 Capacity Auction Mechanics
MISO officials answered questions about the capacity shortfalls and expensive prices in the 2022/23 auction while stakeholders asked for more supply data.
MISO’s 2022/23 Capacity Auction Lays Bare Shortfalls in Midwest
MISO’s 2022/23 capacity auction saw all its Midwest zones clearing at the nearly $240/MW-day cost of new entry, signaling a need for additional generation.
Overheard at EBA’s 2021 Mid-Year Forum
The first day of EBA's Mid-Year Forum included discussions on FERC's inquiry into transmission cost allocation and organized market developments in the West.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: July 8, 2021
MISO defended its June 10 decision to call an emergency to access load-modifying resources at last week's Market Subcommittee meeting.
MISO Monitor Warns of Ramping Needs, Tx Congestion
In his annual State of the Market report, MISO’s Monitor said transmission congestion and heightened ramping needs continue to dog the RTO.
NextEra Energy
MISO Leadership Says Transmission Expansion, Market Redefinition ‘not Optional’
MISO execs say long-term transmission and a capacity market redesign are a must in response to rising climate risks and fleet change.
Stakeholders Weigh Climate Adaptations at FERC Tech Conference
Day two of FERC’s technical conference emphasized the need for more transmission to facilitate trading and properly compensating demand-side resources.
MISO Monitor Reviews Blustery Fall
Fall in MISO was a study in record wind production, but it came with a price, as it produced more than half of the quarter’s real-time congestion.
Experts: New Ontario Capacity Market Can Learn from US
Ontario’s nascent capacity market could take advantage of lessons from the U.S., experts said during APPrO's annual conference.

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