Dawn Lindell

Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light, Others Urge BPA to Pause Day-ahead Decision
The Bonneville Power Administration should remain in CAISO’s WEIM and hold off on joining a day-ahead market, Seattle City Light and other Northwest parties urged in a letter sent to BPA CEO John Hairston.
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EDAM Won’t Eliminate WEIM-only Option, CAISO CEO Says

CAISO’s launch of the Extended Day-Ahead Market will not spell the end of a Western real-time-only offering from the ISO, according to CEO Elliot Mainzer.

Bonneville Power Administration
BPA Touts Markets+ in Response to Seattle City Light Opposition
The Bonneville Power Administration continued to argue that SPP’s Markets+ is preferable to CAISO’s EDAM, stating in a letter to Seattle City Light that potential benefits of a single West-wide market footprint must be viewed with “significant skepticism."
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BPA: Funding Markets+ Phase 2 Preserves Choice
The Bonneville Power Administration says following through on its $25 million funding commitment to the development of SPP's Markets+ is simply a matter of preserving choice.
City of Seattle
Markets+ Leaning ‘Alarming,’ Seattle City Light Tells BPA
BPA’s insistence on favoring joining SPP’s Markets+ over CAISO’s Extended Day Ahead Market is “alarming” and could lead to $221 million in economic advantages going up in smoke, Seattle City Light argued.

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