Deactivation Enhancements Senior Task Force (DESTF)
PJM presented the Planning Committee with a draft amendment to the Deactivation Enhancement Senior Task Force’s issue charge to add a key work activity focused on creating pro forma language for reliability-must-run agreements with generation owners seeking to deactivate a unit identified as being necessary for reliability.
Among other actions, the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and the Members Committee will consider endorsing various manual revisions.
PJM stakeholders have endorsed changes to accounting of demand response in load forecasts, among other actions.
PJM stakeholders delayed voting on five proposals to rework the notification deadlines for generation deactivations and how compensation for reliability-must-run contracts is determined.
The PJM MRC endorsed one of two proposals to revise how the RTO uses reserve resources, approving a deployment scheme where instructions are sent by basepoints, while rejecting a parallel proposal to grant operators the ability to dynamically increase market procurements.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee will consider proposed revisions to Manual 12 and Manual 13, along with several other agenda items.
PJM’s Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed a proposal to align the day-ahead energy market commitment cycle with the daily gas nomination deadlines.
PJM and the Independent Market Monitor presented the Deactivation Enhancement Senior Task Force with two proposals to increase the notification generators seeking deactivation must provide PJM and standardize compensation for those that enter into agreements to continue operating beyond their desired retirement date.
PJM and stakeholders spent much of 2023 debating how to position the RTO's markets to be prepared for future severe weather and maintain the balance between retiring fossil generation and renewable development.
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