September 28, 2024

distributed energy resources (DER)

Advanced Energy United
NV Energy Should Do More to Tap VPP Potential, Report Says
NV Energy's virtual power plant market potential could grow from an estimated 134 MW this year to 1,230 MW in 2035, according to a new analysis.
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Michigan Utilities Call for Opt-Out on MISO DER Affected System Studies
A band of Michigan utilities wants the option to decline MISO’s affected system-style studies on distributed energy resources.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: July 16, 2024
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee voted to support new data collection standards for distributed energy resources, and ISO-NE outlined potential changes to planning procedures and the affected system operator process.
California Senate
Calif. Lawmakers Send $10B Climate Bond Measure to Nov. Ballot
California lawmakers voted to send a climate resilience bond measure to voters in November, and clean energy advocates are hailing the measure’s investments in offshore wind and transmission projects.
Paper Examines How to Properly Value DER Grid Contributions
The use of distributed energy resources can reduce grid costs, delay system upgrades, authors contend.
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MISO Offers 2-stage Plan for DER Aggregations in Markets
MISO hopes it can use a two-step approach to Order 2222 compliance, first using a demand response category in 2026, with full market participation of aggregations of distributed resources still on the RTO’s original 2030 timeline that FERC refused last year.
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MISO Members Mull Full Impact of DER Aggregations in Markets
MISO members pondered at Board Week over how quickly the full impact of Order 2222 will be felt across the footprint.
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NERC RSTC Briefs: March 12-13, 2024
NERC's Reliability and Security Technical Committee approved several standards actions at its first meeting of 2024.
SERC Highlights DERs, Extreme Weather Challenges in LTRA
SERC said in its Long-Term Reliability Assessment that continued active collaboration with registered entities and other stakeholders is needed to address growing reliability concerns.
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CPower Event Charts the Future of Virtual Power Plants
CPower hosted an event outside D.C. that charted the demand response's industry's evolution to a virtual power plant model that can help the industry manage the growing share of DERs coming onto the grid.

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