DNV Report Charts Path Forward for Lighting Efficiency as LEDs Become Common
Energy efficiency upgrades in the commercial and industrial sector have made LED lighting so common that additional upgrades require more than just swapping old bulbs for new technology, according to a DNV report.
ACEG: More Community Trust, Faster Transmission Development
A new report by Americans for a Clean Energy Grid lays out a framework for engaging communities during the development of transmission lines in order to ensure the industry can expand the infrastructure on time.
Study: HVDC Needs Standards to Take off in US to Aid Offshore Wind
Before the use of HVDC transmission lines can be expanded in the U.S., the offshore wind industry needs to set some standards, according to a joint company survey.
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GCPA Spring Conference Reckons with Texas-sized Load Additions
The Gulf Coast Power Association Spring Conference tackled the vexing assignment of how to reliably serve Texas’ unprecedented surge in demand with a cleaner energy supply.
EIA, DNV Lay out Progress, Headwinds in Energy Transition
New reports by DNV and the EIA document the progress and challenges in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Report Extols the Benefits HVDC Lines Offer the Grid
A report released by ACORE and Grid United highlighted how Europe is using HVDC transmission lines to advance its decarbonization efforts and explained how the U.S. could do the same.
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Experts Urge MISO to Consider New 765 kV and HVDC Lines
Presenters at a special two-day meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee advised MISO to consider recommending 765 kV and HVDC transmission lines.
New England – Maritimes Offshore Energy Corridor (NEMOEC)
Coalition Promotes US-Canadian Offshore Transmission Link
An industry coalition is promoting the concept of underwater transmission linking New England and Nova Scotia via wind farms off their respective coasts.
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IPF Panel: MSSC Limits Could Cut OSW Power Coming Onshore
Offshore wind will produce thousands of megawatts of electric power, way more than the onshore transmission system is currently able to absorb, an expert says.
NREL Report Lays Out OSW Road Map, Flags Potential Problems
A new NREL report lays out a path for the U.S. to follow as it builds a network of OSW turbines and presents it as an opportunity to create an entire industry.

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