DOE Grid Deployment Office
Utilities are rolling out new GETs projects, DOE officials said, but “there are more than 3,000 utilities in the United States, and a few excellent projects won’t get us where we need to be.”
The study is intended to identify pressing transmission needs without offering specific solutions or taking into account federal and some state regulations.
DOE announced $3.46 billion in funding for grid resilience and improvement projects, including the MISO-SPP joint targeted interconnection queue portfolio.
Speakers at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable emphasized the importance of transmission planning to ensure the grid can handle increased amounts of variable clean energy and higher demand from electrification.
A primer on DOE's proposal for creating National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
DOE wants to accelerate transmission projects under development by designating their proposed routes as National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
Maria Robinson, director of DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, gave an update on the work her team has been doing to allocate a great deal of funding from the IIJA.
Electric transmission projects move too slowly, Maryland Public Service Commission Chairman Jason Stanek said at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit on Monday.
Stakeholders at NASEO's Winter Policy Summit debated whether energy offices should act as hubs for bringing stakeholders together and fostering collaboration.
The New England states united to seek federal funding to strengthen the region’s transmission to accommodate power from offshore wind projects and Canada.
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