September 29, 2024

DPL South

PJM MIC Briefs: Sept. 11, 2024
PJM presented how the planning parameters for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction affected the variable resource rate curve, which intersects with supply and demand to determine auction clearing prices.
Following Court Ruling, FERC Reluctantly Reverses PJM Post-BRA Change
FERC partially reversed a 2023 order allowing PJM to modify a parameter for the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction to avoid a substantial increase in capacity prices in the DPL South transmission zone.
PJM Interconnection
Stakeholders Spar over PJM Request to Recalculate Capacity Auction Results
Stakeholders filed comments debating PJM’s request that FERC direct it to recalculate the results of the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction and rerun the third Incremental Auction.
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PJM Awaiting FERC Response to Court Rejection of 2024/25 Capacity Auction Parameters
PJM updated stakeholders on how it will proceed in the wake of a 3rd Circuit ruling vacating a FERC order allowing the RTO to revise a parameter after bids had been received for the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction.
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3rd Circuit Rejects PJM’s Post-auction Change as Retroactive Ratemaking
The 3rd Circuit vacated FERC’s order allowing PJM to revise a capacity market parameter for the DPL South zone after the 2024/25 auction had been conducted but prior to the publication of its results, ruling that it constituted retroactive ratemaking.
PJM Interconnection
PJM Capacity Prices Jump in 5 Regions
PJM capacity prices dropped in much of the RTO for delivery year 2024/25, but ratepayers in five regions will face increases due to locational constraints.
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FERC OKs PJM Proposal to Revise Capacity Auction Rules
FERC approved PJM’s request to revise its capacity rules to avoid a fourfold price increase in DPL South, rejecting complaints of retroactive ratemaking.
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Major Changes in 2022 Continue to Shape PJM Outlook in 2023
PJM's first order of business in 2023 will be a review of the “indicative” 2024/25 capacity auction results following concerns of artificially inflated prices.
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Capacity Auction ‘Mismatch’ Roils PJM Stakeholders
PJM said it will ask FERC to modify the rules of its 2024/25 capacity auction to avoid artificially high prices in one region of the RTO.

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