October 6, 2024

Duke Energy

Duke Energy Seeks Flexibility in Long-duration Storage
Duke Energy told the Energy Storage Association’s annual conference that it will need new storage technologies to meet its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
Outspoken Public Pushes for Duke to Lead on Climate
The N.C. Utilities Commission heard from locals dissatisfied with Duke Energy's IRPs, which include adding thousands of megawatts of natural gas resources.
Duke Energy Indiana
Consumer Groups Question Duke Indiana-Singapore Transaction
Public consumer groups are dismayed over Duke Energy Indiana’s allowing a Singaporean government-owned investment firm to own a 20% stake in the company.
Report: Southeast Utilities Must Speed up to Get to Net Zero
Despite progress in reducing GHGs, Southeastern utilities aren't poised to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said.
NC Inches Forward on IEEE 1547 Implementation
The North Carolina Utilities Commission, Duke Energy and other DER stakeholders are working on implementing IEEE 1547-2018.
Study Says NC Needs Clean Energy Standard to Meet Climate Goals
Environmental advocates say North Carolina's upcoming decision on joining the RGGI could be critical to its efforts to cut carbon emissions 70% by 2030.
NC Net-zero Goals Could Hinge on Duke IRPs
The North Carolina Utilities Commission is considering Duke Energy's integrated resource plan in a series of six hearings over the next two months.
Southeast Utilities Defend SEEM Proposal
Sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market told FERC it should OK the proposal as is, saying critics’ objections are flawed or irrelevant.
NC Microgrids Improving Grid Reliability and Resilience
North Carolina’s electric cooperatives are outdistancing the state’s investor-owned utilities in microgrid deployment.
NC Looks at Holistic Approach to Planning
The North Carolina Utilities Commission examined how generation and distribution planning in the state are going to become more holistic and integrated.

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