effective load-carrying capability (ELCC)
PJM is trying to figure out how the development of new capacity can be sped up as a growing number of resources have cleared the interconnection queue but not entered commercial operation.
Hybrid power plants, especially projects combining solar and storage, represent a growing amount of new generation online and in interconnection queues across the U.S., signaling a shift in how renewable power can be integrated into electric power markets, according to a new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
A PJM discussion on expanding the demand response winter availability window to include a wider range of hours branched off into a broader conversation on how the resource class participates in the RTO's capacity market.
PJM could see a growing capacity shortfall starting with the 2029/30 delivery year, the RTO found after running its effective load carrying capability (ELCC) model on a generation mix forecast through the 2034/35 DY.
PJM has decided not to refile several components of its proposed capacity market redesign that was rejected by FERC in February.
The PJM MRC endorsed one of two proposals to revise how the RTO uses reserve resources, approving a deployment scheme where instructions are sent by basepoints, while rejecting a parallel proposal to grant operators the ability to dynamically increase market procurements.
PJM stakeholders received updates on the RTO's plan for long-range transmission planning and utilities' supplemental projects to deal with growing data center load.
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to revise how capacity obligations for serving large load additions are calculated to limit capacity assignments to areas where the LLAs are forecast to actually interconnect.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee delayed voting on a proposal to establish a multi-scenario long-term transmission planning process to allow stakeholders to see what action FERC may take on regional planning.
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