January 18, 2025

effective load-carrying capability (ELCC)

Duke Energy
Discord Persists over MISO Seasonal Capacity Accreditation
MISO's proposed seasonal accreditation for capacity resources remains a point of contention among the RTO, its Market Monitor and the stakeholder community.
MISO Monitor Warns of Ramping Needs, Tx Congestion
In his annual State of the Market report, MISO’s Monitor said transmission congestion and heightened ramping needs continue to dog the RTO.
Montgomery County Planning Department
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: June 8, 2021
PJM stakeholders will vote next month on the next steps of the RTO’s mitigation proposal to avoid designating projects as critical infrastructure.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: April 6, 2021
PJM delayed a vote on a proposal for changes to the pro forma interconnection construction service agreement.
Study Proposes New Capacity Treatment for Oregon
Oregon should recognize the capacity contributions of all resources including variable renewables, according to a report commissioned by the state PUC.
MISO: Tx Beats Storage in Integrating Renewables
MISO’s shift to renewable resources can be supported by energy storage devices — but only to a small degree.
SPP MOPC Briefs: Oct. 13-14, 2020
SPP stakeholders endorsed a 10-year transmission plan that will likely continue to underestimate wind energy development.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Oct. 6, 2020
PJM stakeholders endorsed an installed reserve margin of 14.4%, down from 14.8% in 2019, along with new winter weekly reserve targets.
Counterflow: No Carb California
Columnist Steve Huntoon argues that California's ambitious renewable energy and storage targets would actually make the state more vulnerable to blackouts.
ELCC Method Endorsed by PJM Stakeholders
PJM members endorsed a proposal to use the ELCC method to calculate the capacity value of limited-duration and intermittent resources.

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