Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
NERC staff called the Winter Reliability Assessment a “serious warning” that highlighted the possibility of “bigger problems” compared to last winter.
A U.S. bankruptcy judge has approved a settlement agreement between ERCOT and Brazos Electric in the cooperative's Chapter 11 bankruptcy hearing.
The Texas PUC has approved staff’s recommendation that ERCOT serve as the footprint’s reliability monitor, formalizing a two-year collaboration.
Keynoting the Energy Bar Association Texas Chapter’s Energy Symposium, Lori Cobos said ERCOT stakeholders will soon get a look at the market’s redesign.
ERCOT stakeholders have submitted comments to proposed bylaw changes that have been sitting with the Board of Directors since September.
FERC has corrected an “incorrect statement” by making a small modification to its annual Winter Energy Market and Reliability Assessment issued last week.
The Texas Public Commission honored interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones’ tenure, showering him with praise and political recognition.
The GCPA's annual fall conference treated attendees to panel discussions, an oral history of ERCOT, and a reenactment of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
With ERCOT’s board having asserted itself as the new sheriff in town, its stakeholders are settling themselves to a lesser role.
New ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas has come back to a Texas market facing huge changes since he left the state more than a decade ago.
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