Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)

Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: Sept. 29, 2022
The Texas PUC has adopted expanded weather preparation rules for generators and transmission utilities during both summer and winter weather events.
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ERCOT, Texas PUC, Gas Industry Agree Valuable Lessons Learned
ERCOT staff and regulators agreed that the electricity and gas industries are adding weatherization standards to address the 2021 severe winter storm.
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Trib Fest Panel: Let ERCOT Market Work
A Texas panel urged lawmakers and regulators to let the ERCOT market's incentives work to bring in resources that strengthen the grid's reliability.
Texas House of Representatives
Texas Lawmakers to Vet ERCOT Market Redesign
The head of Texas’ Public Utility Commission told state lawmakers they will get a chance to vet ERCOT’s market redesign next year before it becomes operational.
Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Briefs: Sept. 15, 2022
Texas regulators are working with the industry to streamline the interconnection processes for all resources at both the transmission and distribution levels.
ERCOT TAC Considers Membership Requirements, Process Changes
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee is discussing proposed revisions to its membership qualifications and ways to accelerate the revision request process.
ERCOT to Host Presentations on Brazos Settlement
ERCOT will host two virtual presentations to discuss the terms of its proposed settlement with Brazos Electric Power Cooperative in its bankruptcy case.
White Construction Co.
Judge Approves Brazos Chapter 11 Exit Plan
A U.S. bankruptcy judge has conditionally approved Brazos Electric’s proposed exit from bankruptcy and settlement with ERCOT over winter storm charges.
Office of the Texas Governor
Texas Gov. Abbott Touts ERCOT’s Fall Resource Adequacy
ERCOT has quietly dropped its latest report on resource adequacy, saying it has enough capacity to meet peak demands under normal conditions this fall.
Texas Advisory Committee: Renewables Create ‘Operational Challenges’
A Texas energy advisory committee has produced what it calls a “comprehensive” plan to guide lawmakers and stakeholders in more changes to ERCOT's market.

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