Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
Present and former regulators told NARUC they are skeptical that carbon pricing and capacity markets would achieve decarbonization.
ERCOT experienced its own version of the duck curve this summer, with tight operating conditions as the sun set and solar production dropped.
Texas regulators approved the election of Sally Talberg and two others to three-year terms on ERCOT’s Board of Directors.
ERCOT said it will have enough installed capacity to meet demand this winter and spring thanks to a record of new installed wind capacity.
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee met virtually to discuss private-use networks, day-ahead market delays and NPRRs.
Can single-state transmission projects like California's Tehachapi and Texas’ CREZ serve as models for offshore wind on the East Coast?
ERCOT staff have begun issuing price corrections and resettling 25 operating days affected by two market errors earlier this year.
ERCOT staff promised to reduce price corrections before asking the Board of Directors to approve a pair of them for two unrelated events.
Texas regulators approved El Paso Electric’s request to build a gas-fired generator that has drawn opposition from the city and local environmentalists.
Its spring conference canceled by the coronavirus pandemic, the GCPA virtually gathered 437 participants for its 35th annual Fall Conference.
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