Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
ERCOT market participants grilled staff over the grid operator’s requests duriing an early March cold-weather event that did not require emergency actions.
ERCOT's Technical Advisory Committee tabled a request to lower the grid operator’s peaker net margin threshold pending further direction from the Texas PUC.
The Texas PUC formally approved Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative’s request to move about 12% of its load and transmission facilities from SPP into ERCOT
Asked by Texas’ Public Utility Commission to “reinitiate discussions” with stakeholders, ERCOT held a workshop to look at real-time co-optimization.
ERCOT is forecasting record peak demand with increased potential emergency alerts this summer, given its historically low planning reserve margin of 7.4%.
Infocast’s annual ERCOT Market Summit attracted policymakers with utility, solar, wind and other energy executives to explore potential solutions and opportunities in Texas.
The Texas Public Utility Commission approved a list of issues to be discussed during a summer workshop on real-time co-optimization.
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness told the Board of Directors the grid operator will use favorable budget variances to fund the addition of real-time co-optimization.
ERCOT is “much more likely” to deal with “emergency-alert type conditions” this summer given the system’s 7.4% reserve margin, CEO Bill Magness said.
The PUCT issued preliminary certificates of convenience and necessity for transmission that will integrate some of LP&L’s SPP load into the ERCOT system.
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