Energy Management System (EMS)
NYISO requested a three-year extension to comply with FERC Order 881, saying it needs more time to implement software and hardware updates needed to support ambient-adjusted ratings on transmission lines.
PJM's Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee will convene Sept. 20, with endorsement of revised peak market activity rules and issue charges related to generator deactivation rules and reserve certainty on the agenda.
PJM's Operating Committee delayed a vote on manual revisions aimed at reducing the circumstances under which the RTO would provide advance notice of when it will be sharing confidential member information with third parties.
SPP members approved a revision request that will allow staff to complete an energy management system upgrade in a timely fashion and reduce project costs.
The Texas PUC expressed concern that ERCOT is not moving quickly enough to implement the many changes to the market directed by the state legislature.
A speaker at NERC's Monitoring and Situational Awareness technical conference on Thursday focused on the challenges of building an engineering talent pool.
ERCOT’s updated report on generator outages during the February winter storm that indicates gas was the fuel source most susceptible to going offline.
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee conducted its first regular meeting since the February winter storm, which unsurprisingly dominating the discussion.
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness told the board that load has begun to return to pre-COVID-19 levels, as evidenced by energy usage in June and July.
NYISO is moving the proxy bus for pricing transactions with Ontario’s IESO to reflect power-flow changes from the implementation of phase-angle regulators.
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