Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG)

Report Examines Grid Planning for Building Electrification
The new report argues that discussions about building electrification largely leave out one key issue: how to prepare the grid for the higher demand and new consumption patterns associated with the shift.
Rhodium Group
Industry Considers Building its Own Generation to Decarbonize
Industrial decarbonization is lagging the effort in the power sector and transportation, and many companies are considering directly linking big industrial demand with clean energy.
ACEEE Paper Says Rate Design Can Avoid Higher Bills from Electrification
ACEEE released a report highlighting strategies for avoiding higher overall energy bills from electrification, which is a concern for states with high average power prices.
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Experts Urge MISO to Consider New 765 kV and HVDC Lines
Presenters at a special two-day meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee advised MISO to consider recommending 765 kV and HVDC transmission lines.
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SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: April 25, 2023
SPP members and its board have embraced an advisory group’s report on a fast-approach future grid and directing work to address the group’s recommendations.
Has Dynamic Pricing’s Time Come?
Price-responsive demand has long been supported by economists, but despite the significant investment in advanced meters, it has yet to take off.
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SPP Briefs: Week of March 26, 2023
FERC OK'd Public Service Company of Colorado's request to participate in SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service market while ordering a market analysis.
Ameren Missouri
MISO Accreditation Impasse Persists at Workshop
MISO tried to quell unease over its intended capacity accreditation with a stakeholder workshop to show that its proposal lines up with a new report.
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NARUC Panelists: Rate Design Key for the Clean Energy Transition
Getting the right rates to customers is vital to ensuring that the industry's ongoing transition to clean energy is reliable and affordable, experts told NARUC.
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NARUC Annual Meeting Taps Into Winter Unease, Rate Design, Storage
The annual NARUC meeting covered ground on rate design, energy storage and reliability while the energy portfolio undergoes renovation.

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