Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Cal Fire
Trump Administration Fiddled While California Burned
2018 brought chilling warnings about the growing dangers of climate change, but President Trump continued to question the reality of a warming planet.
EPA Eases Rules for New Coal Generation
EPA proposed eliminating the requirement that new coal-fired generation incorporate carbon capture technology — a largely symbolic measure.
Coal Gains Under Trump CO2 Rule Likely Limited
The replacement for the Clean Power Plan (CPP) - Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) - won't provide much relief for the coal industry, according to analysts.
Reports: CPP Replacement to Give States Control
The Trump administration’s replacement for the Clean Power Plan will require modest efficiency improvements, according to published reports.
EPA: CPP Replacement Could Boost Coal-Fired Power by 6%
EPA says its ACE rule will result in slightly lower electric prices and higher coal production than would have occurred under the Clean Power Plan (CPP).
NY Sets Carbon Pricing Timeline, Reviews Progress
NYISO said Monday that it could implement carbon pricing in New York’s wholesale electricity markets no earlier than the second quarter of 2021.
House GOP Seeks Changes to New Source Review
Republicans are working on legislation that could allow power plants to avoid expensive upgrades under the EPA New Source Review (NSR) program.
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Overheard at NECA Environmental Conference 2018
Panelists at the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association’s Environmental Conference discussed the turmoil at EPA, as well as the dangers of climate change.
D.C. Circuit Denies EPA Haze Rule Challenges
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday denied two petitions challenging the EPA's final actions on its Regional Haze rule designed to improve air quality and visibility in national parks and wilderness areas.
Lights Still on After Nearly 12 Months of Typhoon Trump
While the energy industry has experienced upheaval under Donald Trump in his first year as president, there’s evidence that it has ballast that can withstand it.

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