Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
NYISO said Monday that it could implement carbon pricing in New York’s wholesale electricity markets no earlier than the second quarter of 2021.
Republicans are working on legislation that could allow power plants to avoid expensive upgrades under the EPA New Source Review (NSR) program.
Panelists at the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association’s Environmental Conference discussed the turmoil at EPA, as well as the dangers of climate change.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday denied two petitions challenging the EPA's final actions on its Regional Haze rule designed to improve air quality and visibility in national parks and wilderness areas.
While the energy industry has experienced upheaval under Donald Trump in his first year as president, there’s evidence that it has ballast that can withstand it.
The U.S. Supreme Court denied DTE’s petition to review an environmental penalty against one its coal plants over increased emissions.
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt told the House Environment Subcommittee that the agency is working on a replacement to the Clean Power Plan.
Public hearings on the repeal of the EPA Clean Power Plan provided a stage for coal industry supporters to blast the Obama administration.
Two panels at the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum offered views of the future: one for coal, and one for intermittent sources.
The fate of the West’s coal-fired power was already sealed prior to the EPA announcement that it will seek to repeal the Clean Power Plan (CPP).
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