October 5, 2024

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

DC Circuit Puts Hold on CPP, MATS Challenges
The DC Circuit Court of Appeals granted the Trump administration's requests to suspend its review of the EPA Clean Power Plan and MATS standards
Trump Order Begins Perilous Attempt to Undo Clean Power Plan
President Trump signed an executive order directing EPA to begin undoing its Clean Power Plan, a centerpiece of American efforts to battle climate change.
Trump Begins Attempt to Undo Clean Power Plan
President Trump signed an executive order directing the EPA to begin the lengthy process of undoing its Clean Power Plan.
MISO, PJM Find Value in CPP Study, Despite Rule’s Likely Demise
EPA’s Clean Power Plan may be undone by the Trump administration, but MISO and PJM officials say their study on the rule yielded valuable insights.
UPDATED: Longtime Foe Pruitt Meets the EPA
New EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt gave a brief speech introducing himself to the staff of an agency he sued multiple times as Oklahoma attorney general.
Pruitt Begins Hostile Takeover at EPA
Scott Pruitt was sworn in as EPA Administrator by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito after the Senate voted 52-46 to confirm him.
House Energy Chair Lays out Agenda in NARUC Address
Rep. Greg Walden told the NARUC winter meeting that the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hew close to traditional party positions.
Interdependence Key to Cyber Efforts, Congress Told
The House Subcommittee on Energy met for the latest in its hearings on cybersecurity in the electric industry.
UPDATED: GOP Overcomes Democrat Boycott on EPA Pick
Democrats boycotted the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee meeting, preventing a confirmation vote on Scott Pruitt for EPA administrator.
ISO-NE Opens First Public Policy Process Under Order 1000
ISO-NE is seeking stakeholder comments on statutes and regulations that could require new transmission under the public policy conditions of FERC Order 1000.

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