October 6, 2024

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Ex Rep Sees Smaller Federal Role in Energy Industry Under Trump
SPP's Mike Ross told the Strategic Planning Committee that the industry can expect a future with less federal intervention under President Trump.
FERC Rejects Broader Waiver for Emergency Generators in ISO-NE
FERC denied a request to broaden a waiver providing relief to real-time emergency generation resources in ISO-NE.
Dems Unmoved by EPA Pick’s Charm Offensive
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee he did not agree with Trump's claim that climate change is a hoax.
EPA: Poor Fracking Practices Have Harmed Drinking Water
EPA said yesterday that fracking has harmed drinking water resources under some circumstances but that data gaps have made it impossible to quantify the scope of the problem.
Trump Transition Bodes Ill for Clean Power Plan
President-elect Donald Trump selected a climate change skeptic as EPA administrator, while his transition team was accused of conducting a "witch hunt."
UPDATED: Trump Sends Conflicting Signals on Climate Change
President-elect Donald Trump is sending EPA watchers conflicting signals, interviewing vocal critics of climate change to head the agency, while also claiming an “open mind” on the issue.
Trump: ‘Open Mind’ on Climate Change
President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday he has an “open mind” on humans’ role in climate change, appearing to soften his campaign pledge on the Paris climate accord.
MISO Reliability Subcommittee Briefs
MISO told the Reliability Subcommittee that it will have an easier time than expected complying with EPA’s Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR).
Coal States Pondering ‘Carbon-Considered’ Future
Even the most coal-dependent states are pondering ways to reduce their carbon footprints, panelists said at the Energy Bar Association’s (EBA) Mid-Year Energy Forum.
Analysis: No Knock Out Blow for Clean Power Plan Foes in Court Arguments
Hopes for overturning EPA's Clean Power Plan (CPP) appear to hinge on whether the agency overstepped its authority in relying on "generation shifting."

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