Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Additional retirements of coal-fired generation could increase MISO production costs by as much as $97B, according to an analysis of the Clean Power Plan.
The budget bill signed by President Obama will spark a sharp acceleration of solar power in the next several years, analysts say.
EPA has overruled New York officials and ordered an additional air quality review for a dormant coal-fired power plant
At an Advisory Committee “hot topic” discussion, some stakeholders cautioned MISO against taking CPP policy positions, while others said the RTO should help guide the states to the most economical compliance options.
Tony Clark and his FERC colleagues were summoned to Capitol Hill to answer Republican criticism that the commission isn’t approving gas infrastructure fast enough.
A roundup of news from the PJM Planning Committee and TEAC on Dec. 3, 2015.
The bill includes includes provisions intended to protect the grid from terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy ventured into somewhat unfriendly territory at NARUC’s annual meeting to defend the Clean Power Plan.
The Clean Power Plan may face an uncertain future in the courts, but investors and utility executives said it won’t upset the long-term shift away from coal-fired generation and toward increased efficiency.
Meet Montana’s Travis Kavulla, who is not only in his second term on the state’s PSC but also president of NARUC.
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