Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ERCOT released an updated analysis of the Clean Power Plan’s impacts on the Texas grid’s reliability, saying the rule could result in the retirement of at least 4,000 MW of coal-fired generation.
EPA tightened its ground-level ozone limits to 70 parts per billion (ppb), a less strenuous standard than some electric generators had feared and public health advocates had sought.
SPP's Clean Power Plan Task Force was given an advance look at a webinar that will open the dialogue with state and utility officials charged with implementing the EPA's emissions rule.
A summary of issues the MISO Board of Directors discussed at the MISO Informational Forum last week.
MISO planners who just completed the third phase of a study on the Clean Power Plan said last week that a “multibillion dollar” transmission build-out will be necessary in almost every compliance scenario they’ve anticipated.
State and RTO officials have had two weeks to digest EPA's final Clean Power Plan and the battle lines — and paths to compliance — are developing.
PJM is concerned that EPA was overly optimistic in its assumptions for how quickly it can add transmission to meet the Clean Power Plan.
The New England states, along with New York, are generally well ahead of the targets set in the Clean Power Plan.
Attorneys general from 15 states asked a federal court in D.C. to block the Clean Power Plan.
Entergy has proposed closing one of its largest Arkansas coal plants by 2028 and making modifications to another to comply with EPA’s Regional Haze rule.
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