October 6, 2024

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

NERC: Industry Needs More Time to Meet Clean Power Plan
The U.S. electric industry will face reliability concerns in four years if the interim goals of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan aren’t relaxed, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. said last week.
FERC Backs Oklahoma Coal Unit on EPA MATS Delay
Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA); operators of an Oklahoma coal-fired generator seeking a temporary reprieve from EPA's MATS rule won an assist from FERC.
ITP10 to Include 3 Scenarios for Clean Power Plan
SPP’s next 10-year transmission plan will consider three future scenarios to assess the potential impact of EPA’s Clean Power Plan.
SPP: $45/ton Adder, Wind, Gas Meets EPA Carbon Rule
SPP could comply with the EPA’s Clean Power Plan through a $45/ton carbon adder and 7.8 GW of additional generation, most of it wind, the RTO said.
MISO, SPP Stakeholders Developing Trading Plan to Comply with EPA Carbon Rule
Stakeholders from MISO and SPP they are developing the framework for an interstate trading platform to comply with the EPA Clean Power Plan.
Mercury and Air Toxics Standards: 25 Years in the Making
The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards at issue before the Supreme Court are the result of a quarter century of legislation, regulation and litigation.
MATS Challenge Too Late for Targeted Coal Plants
AEP and FirstEnergy's plans to shut down coal-fired generation under the EPA’s MATS won't change even if the Supreme Court throws out the standards.
Supreme Court Shows Ideological Divide over MATS Rule
The Supreme Court’s ideological divide was on display Wednesday as justices sparred with attorneys over whether the EPA should have considered costs before deciding whether to regulate mercury and other pollutants from power plants.
FERC Seeking Its Role on Carbon Rule ‘Safety Valve’
FERC said it is trying to craft the its role in administering a “safety valve” to ensure reliability is not threatened by the EPA's Clean Power Plan.
Debate over Cost, Impact of EPA Clean Power Plan in Southeast
Witnesses from the Southeast generally expressed far more concern than their counterparts in the Northeast during FERC’s technical conference on the EPA Clean Power Plan.

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