ERCOT Board of Directors
ERCOT’s Board of Directors has approved staff’s recommendation to pursue the use of 15 mobile generators as an alternative to extending the life of two aging gas units slated for retirement in South Texas.
ERCOT filled two vacancies on its Board of Directors, bringing it to a full complement of eight independent members with Alex Hernandez and Sig Cornelius.
ERCOT staff and CPS Energy continue to work “very closely” in negotiating reliability must-run contracts for three aging coal-fired units the grid operator says are necessary for reliability.
Although Texas recorded its sixth-hottest summer on record, ERCOT failed to set a new mark for peak demand despite loads similar to last year’s record.
ERCOT says its Board Selection Committee has designated Bill Flores and Peggy Heeg as the Board of Directors’ respective chair and vice chair.
Paul Foster, who chaired ERCOT’s first Board of Directors under new rules established in the aftermath of 2021’s disastrous winter storm, announced he is stepping down.
ERCOT's Board of Directors has remanded a contentious rule change on IRB ride-through requirements back to the Technical Advisory Committee to reduce the "daylight" between opposition positions.
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas said the “interesting dynamic” of solar energy helped the Texas grid operator meet record demand during its most recent winter storm.
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas threw cold water on the possibility of linking the ISO and the national grid’s other two interconnections.
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas thanked Texas consumers for helping the grid operator survive tight operating conditions this summer.
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