Eversource Energy
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld the Energy Facilities Siting Board’s approval of a controversial substation in East Boston, likely concluding the 10-year fight over the project.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved grid modernization plans from electric distribution companies to handle increasing electrification and the deployment of distributed resources.
New rules proposed by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission would “unduly exclude” companies and organizations from participating in its proceedings, according to a coalition of power generators, consumer advocates and environmental organizations.
New England transmission owners have presented a $185 per kW-year regional network service rate for 2025, an increase over the $154 per kW-year rate in 2024.
NESCOE is raising the alarm on Eversource’s planned rebuild of the X-178 transmission line in New Hampshire, arguing that the company has not adequately justified the need for the $385 million project.
Panelists at a forum convened by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Federal and Regional Energy Affairs said advanced transmission technologies will be essential to limiting transmission costs.
Following the increase of the transfer limits of three internal interfaces in Maine, ISO-NE increased the capacity import capability of the New Brunswick-New England interface from 700 MW to 980 MW.
The ongoing feud between Connecticut utilities and their regulators has spilled over into the state's efforts to implement performance-based regulation for its electric utilities.
ISO-NE announced its plans to increase the transfer limits of three interfaces in Maine at the Planning Advisory Committee’s meeting.
Early and meaningful engagement with host communities will be an essential component of expediting energy permitting and siting processes, panelists said at a New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
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