January 10, 2025

extreme weather

Heat Wave to Test Western Grid this Weekend
Forecasters say California and the Southwest will see extreme heat this weekend, with conditions like those that strained the grid over Labor Day weekend 2020.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Says No Extra Winter Programs Make Sense this Year
ISO-NE is not going to try for an out-of-market solution to New England's winter reliability woes this year.
Entergy Proposes $1.2B in New Orleans Resilience Investments
Entergy New Orleans submitted a filing to the New Orleans City Council detailing its plans to harden electrical infrastructure ahead of future severe weather.
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ERCOT Briefs: Week of July 4, 2022
The heat is back on in Texas after a brief respite, with ERCOT again setting records as peak demand reaches the extreme levels of ISO's predictions.
Cybersecurity, ‘Extreme’ Events Lead List of WECC Risk Priorities
Cybersecurity and extreme weather top the list of risks WECC plans to focus on over the next two years, along with RA and the impact of new technologies.
FERC Approves Extreme Weather Assessment NOPRs
FERC approved two NOPRs on Thursday aimed at improving utilities' planning for the long-term impacts of climate change to the bulk power system.
ERCOT Issues Low-level Alert as Heat Builds
ERCOT has issued its third operating condition notice since April, warning of extreme, hot temperatures in several of its weather zones this weekend.
Dhaluza, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
NERC: Substation Flood a Warning of Future Crises
In a Lessons Learned report, NERC said a flood in a transmission substation could be a harbinger of similar events resulting from climate change.
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NERC Chief: ‘Longer, Deeper, Broader’ Weather Presents New Reliability Challenges
Extreme weather events have brought “extraordinary clarity” about reliability risks posed by climate change, NERC CEO Jim Robb told an EPSA conference.
MISO Winter Fuel Security Surveys Now Permanent
With winter largely behind it, MISO staff last week told stakeholders that winter fuel security surveys are to become an annual fixture.

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