extreme weather
Dhaluza, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
In a Lessons Learned report, NERC said a flood in a transmission substation could be a harbinger of similar events resulting from climate change.
Extreme weather events have brought “extraordinary clarity” about reliability risks posed by climate change, NERC CEO Jim Robb told an EPSA conference.
With winter largely behind it, MISO staff last week told stakeholders that winter fuel security surveys are to become an annual fixture.
Severe weather and rapidly diversifying generation will challenge electric reliability in the next decade, NERC said in its Long-Term Reliability Assessment.
A panel on grid modernization that closed NECPUC focused on lessons learned from the February winter storm in Texas.
Natural gas supplies, carbon pricing and transmission were among the topics at the 73rd New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Symposium.
The ERO Enterprise's 2022 enforcement plan makes clear that regional entities are prepared to return to in-person audits in 2022.
A new report from FERC says the U.S. energy market seems ready for the winter months but warned that the risks of extreme weather are still a major factor.
IEA released its annual World Energy Outlook a month earlier than usual as a guide for policymakers ahead of the U.N.'s Glasgow conference in November.
ISO-NE hosted a virtual public forum to discuss its draft 2021 Regional System Plan, with Sen. Angus King and NERC CEO Jim Robb speaking.
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