February 23, 2025


FERC Again Rebuffs Brayton Point Union
FERC denied rehearing of its June decision certifying the ninth Forward Capacity Auction results in ISO-NE.
Fourth Time the Charm? Brayton Point Union Again Challenges ISO-NE Auction
The union representing workers at a Massachusetts power plant slated for closure is again asking federal regulators to reconsider its protest of ISO-NE capacity auction results.
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Capacity Auction Results
FERC accepted the results of ISO-NE’s ninth Forward Capacity Auction, turning aside the protest of a utility workers union.
ISO-NE Proposes New Capacity Zones for FCA 10
ISO-NE has proposed two new capacity zones for Forward Capacity Auction 10 next year.
Congressional Meeting Fails to Sway LaFleur on Capacity Results
A meeting among the New England congressional delegation, ISO-NE and FERC Chairman Cheryl LaFleur ended the way that it started: with LaFleur and the RTO defending rising capacity prices and the delegation unhappy.
ISO-NE Capacity Prices Likely to Fall in Future
The 36% increase in prices in last week’s ISO-NE capacity auction likely represents the peak for the foreseeable future.

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