February 2021 winter storm
David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC and NERC released their final report on February's winter storms and the resulting mass outages, with recommendations for future preparedness.
NERC leadership expressed impatience with the Standards Committee's decision to delay action on a new cold weather standards project.
A panel on grid modernization that closed NECPUC focused on lessons learned from the February winter storm in Texas.
SPP has added Southern Star Gas Pipeline to its membership in a strategic alignment with fuel suppliers and to improve coordination with the gas industry.
SPP and stakeholders agreed on the need for better gas-electric coordination as they begin to address the causes of load shedding during February’s storm.
Texas regulators reacted to another potential conservation call by ERCOT by assuring residents the grid operator is using other tools in its toolbox.
The NERC Standards Committee voted to delay approving the draft standards authorization request despite a plea from NERC vice president Howard Gugel,
The Texas PUC announced eight electric reps to the Texas Energy Reliability Council, created to address critical infrastructure issues.
SPP is searching for ways to advocate change in the natural gas industry following the latter's role in February’s disastrous winter storm outages.
Interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones focused on the grid operator's need to adapt its market to future changes during a speech to the Gas and Power Institute.
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